
TD SuccessFinder

TD Canada was having trouble explaining it’s new internal assessment program to its employees in a form that was both easily understandable and didn’t waste thousand of collective man hours in one on one explanation sessions. Coup d'état’s approach to this problem was to simplify and condense the material into a modular e-learning video series, designed to make the content not only fun and engaging to watch but easy to understand. Below is a condensed aniamtion reel showign off soem motion highlights from the series.


By developing a cohesive visual style and mixing that in with snappy animation, we condensed this multi hour platform into a sub 15 minute multi video series.


We worked closely with Animator/illustrator Patrick Dias to develop the visual style. here is A selection of some of our favourite stills and styleframes from the series.


Client: TD Bank

Production: Coup d'État

Creative Direction - Lee James Ormerod

Illustration - Patrick Dias

Animation - Patrick dias, Miguel Natividad

Narration - Caitlin Thompson,

Music (used only for demo) - "Waves" by Tourist.