magna international
Working alongside our talented motion design collaborator Joshua Michie, we used a mix of Cinema4D and X-Particles to create this moody and electrifying intro for the IAA Berlin 2018 Auto show. The banner was used extensively throughout the auto show on various format screens for the Magna International Auto booth as well as on various social media platforms and further branded events.
One of the large challenges was to create a particle stream effect that could travel and decay along the logo without going haywire. This is where Josh came in to assist with some X-particle development work.
Here is a wireframe breakdown of how each scene was composited together; quite a few layers were involved in the composition of each shot.
We knew from the initial boards that we were going to be doing a lot of macro shots regarding the streamers built to spell out the letters, so we decided to take the piece in a dark and moody direction. We wanted to create the feeling of hidden shapes towering in the misty darkness and instill a sense of indeterminate scales and shapes until the logo was revealed in the final shots.
Client: Magna
Agency: Livewire
Creative Direction: Lee James Ormerod
Particle effects: Joshua Michie
Music - Stranger things by Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein